Way that you see them presented when you hold the controller for a race.
Side of the controllers or the right-side of single Joy-Con controller) in the Right, and Down refer to the buttons on the direction pad (found on the left In this Mario Kart controls guide, we’ll be going through the various controller options, how to set-up the controls, the basic controls, and all of the advanced controls – such as getting the perfect speed boost at the beginning of the race and how to defend. Option to make use of the motion sensors on the controllers, and some advancedĬontrols that you need to know to become a great racer. Game is relatively simple in its controls, there are multiple set-ups, the Many owners of the hybrid console who don’t have Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Sold in consoleīundles and standing as the best-selling game of the Switch, there aren’t too 4 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Advanced Controlsĭeluxe is one of the defining games of the Nintendo Switch.1 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Controller Options.